Sunday, April 29, 2007

Final-the year 2040

It is the year 2040 and the world around us is very different than just a few decades ago. Things have changed a great deal over the years and society is very different as we know it. Many things have changed and people view their goals and desires as the utmost priority. The roles for women have changed dramatically over the past 20-30 years and women have become more dominant than ever in American history. About ten years ago, a woman was elected President and women have been seen more in all aspects of the workforce.

Since the President-elect was a woman, there have been more women seen in law enforcement, Congress, the House of Representatives, and even in all the branches of government. More and more women are seen in dominant roles. Since women are making more and more of an impact on our society, many laws have seen this impact. Since the woman President, the abortion law is open and free and all women are allowed to abort a baby at any expense. Free-choice has been in tact for about 5 years now, and the protests are increasing dramatically. Many other laws were put to test such as the Do Not Resuscitate (DNR), Gay/Lesbian Rights, and even the Death Penalty.

School Districts and College Universities have cracked down on their disciplinary and security actions. Schools have gone to metal detectors and searches once a month to try and decrease gang violence and shootings. Universities have created alternative means of communication if for some reason their phone lines are shut down or their computer systems have been destroyed. Many apprehensive measures have been taken to try and prevent tragedies.

Children are still required to go to school until the age of 16. If the teenager wishes to drop out at that age of 16 they must obtain parental consent. At 18, they have the choice to remain in school and graduate, or to drop out. Drop out rates have decreased and many more children are staying in school. They have seen the effects of their preceding generation and the effects of drop outs.

In the past 10 years there have been major developments to assist struggling students. There are programs to help students prepare for tests and to help those struggling with reading and writing. More teachers are staying after school and there are many summer programs to help children keep involved in school work. These developments have made a major impact on the overall average of test scores and have made a big difference in the performance of students.

Welfare is still very vital to those who are in need. Those who need disability because of injuries and to those that cannot work, welfare comes to the rescue. The stipulations for welfare have increased and there are less people relying on welfare rather than a job. Our society’s overall unemployment rate has decreased in the last few decades and many people are living in better conditions.

Even though the President is currently a woman, the organization of family hasn’t seemed to change throughout the U.S. Males are still the dominant gender in relationships and families and still seem to be at the top of most important businesses. But the roles of women have dramatically increased and will continue to increase, but only time will tell if men and women will ever be actually equal.

The organization of family has not changed on many bases. The woman is still expected to be the primary care giver for most families. Men still on average bring home a higher salary and the famous quote “The man puts the food on the table” still applies. Women are rising in many aspects but I feel that women will always be expected to take care of the children and not be the primary income in a household as our society has created this type of culture. Even though there are rare cases where women work and the men are stay at home dads, on average, most women take care of the children and are not expected to bring home the bulk of the salary.

To be a male in our society in this day and age is still the advantage. Women are still expected to be teachers, nurses, secretaries, etc. To be a woman, they are still discriminated against in many aspects, such as sports performances. However, where before the year 2000 it was extremely difficult for women’s movements to gain direct access to the World Bank, now there are no discrepancies between the women, men, or any race. Women are climbing up in the power roles but it is a slow process and is going to take time.

Race is still an issue to some in our country. There are still groups that are racist and there are still many that cannot seem to except the fact of “all men are created equal.” Race is a cultural construct and political and cultural struggles over power have came to shape the contours and dimensions of racism differently in different eras. There have been many conscious and deliberate actions that have institutionalized group identity, but in the past few decades, the actions have decreased. It is against the law to discriminate against any person for a job, sport, or schooling. The gap between races has become extremely small.

In 2040, the government structure has not changed much over the past 30-40 years. We still run a democratic society and have the House of Representatives as well as Congress and all the branches of government. Most things have stayed the same as they have seemed to work well in the past and they have not voted to change our overall government structure is. They have only changed a few ways to go about changing laws.

The Nation-State is still the central institution of global capitalism. The Nation-State is still a major role in global capitalism. The Nation-State may fall apart in the future, but still as we know it for now, it is still the major role in global capitalism.

As before, the Power Elite still dominate government, but things still seem to be running rather smoothly. The power elite are those who obtain a mass amount of power through their job or family. The power elite use their structural economic power, their policy expertise, and their success in the electoral arena to rule the federal government.

Since the government has many important jobs, who is in charge matters a great deal. Things have changed with the woman President and those who are in rule currently have changed the way things work in our systems. The government has raised interest rates and rates the tax rates in every state. Gas prices are through the roof as they are on average $5.52 a gallon in the U.S. currently.

The standard of living is extremely important in our country. The U.S. consumes a massive amount of energy and resources and we have been put on restriction. The government has put a restriction on how much water and gas that each person can use due to a lack of supply for fresh water and oil. Since there is a lack of supply for oil we have seen a massive increase in gas prices over the past 20 years. Spiritual wealth has taken a new toll as students and citizens are forming more groups at schools and public places to worship freely. People are no longer hiding their religion and they do not worry about what other people think about their relationship with God.

As Klare stated in his book, Resource Wars, resources are depleting quickly and eventually we will have to find alternative sources for certain supplies. The resource scarcity is growing and is a major concern still to America. We have been in major disputes recently with other countries over trade agreements and supply issues. More and more drilling is starting to come up dry without any oil and the supply is running dry. The disputes are just a beginning to what we can foresee happening in the future. If the U.S. and other major countries do not start constricting their consumption, the fight for resources will increase. Wars and battles will be fought if something does not change in the future. The government has put a restriction on our use, but it must happen all over the world.

But the U.S. has gone to alternative means when dealing with conflict. They have resorted to trying to use peaceful means as much as possible. Since we have left the war in Iraq, the U.S. has not been involved in too many disputes, and they have settled most disputes easily and calmly. The U.S. has focused on a few theories proposed to the government and use the conflict theory when appropriate.

The U.S. may use too many resources, even to this day, but people are still very sentimental and caring towards animals. Endangered animals are still being helped by being put into care units to help rebuild their population numbers. Humans still fight for Animal rights. But as mentioned in some reading, humans can control the destiny of many things including animals.

Some used to think that the future conflict of the world would be caused by the clash of civilizations. However, that is yet to happen in the year 2040 and it doesn’t look like it is going to happen anytime soon. The U.S. has found ways to make other countries happy and not have so much conflict amongst the world. There is more trading amongst countries, but they all have contracts that are closely followed causing the clash of civilizations to falter.

Parents have changed in the ways that they are disciplining their children. Many parents are getting away from the aspect of spanking children and have turned to less harsh punishment. There has been a major increase of detrimental shootings, robberies, murders, and genocides since the year 2000. Genocide, the mass murder of people, normally accompanies war, but can happen independently, such as the Columbine shootings and the most recent Virginia Tech massacre. Parents must crack down on their children when they are young and help children to control their anger. If this does not change over the next few years, God only knows how much massive destruction might happen.

Freedom is still a major issue to our country and is one thing that put’s us above opposing nations. The rights and liberties of our country is what draw many immigrants to our country. Freedom of speech, religion, and press are the some of the most vital freedoms that some still take advantage of. However, these rights and liberties share the fate of the society.

Some countries still hold grudges or disagree with what we do here and some major instances have happened in the past century to prove it. Events such as: September 11, War in Iraq, etc. Some American’s find themselves asking “Why do they hate us?” America is the universal nation, and some nations believe that America should speak for universal values. When there is a disagreement, massacres happen.

September 11, 2001 happened over 30 years ago, but to most American’s it seemed like yesterday. This attack on America activated a series of political and cultural responses that seemed to map a deeply colonial perimeter of power.

The war with Afghanistan has come to a rest. Even though we went to Afghanistan in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks, things settled in the year 2015. All goals were accomplished including, capturing Osama Bin Laden, destroying Al-Qaeda, and removing the Taliban regime. Soldiers still have not been completely removed from Iraq as they still enforce the new government and its’ rules.

Since 9/11 many years ago, the government has cracked down and created more rule sets in certain areas of our society. Airport security has been increased to entire searches, metal detectors, suitcase searches, and security guards aboard the planes. This way the rules could not be exploited by those who don’t adhere to our general rule sets or even those that want to see them overthrown. Visa policies have become stricter and it is a very long process to get accepted. We Americans have accepted the facts of our problems, and have approached the gaps in our rule-sets. Our country has become more secure in the past few decades, but you can only take certain things to certain extremes.

We are still working on making globalization truly global. Luckily, we have not taken any other “shocks to the system” since the massive 9/11 attacks. But if we do not continue to shrink the Gap, our future is looking gloom. We have increased security. We have extended connectivity and expanded globalization’s reach. The Core is still surviving and expanding. We are continuing to expand our rule sets and trying to reach agreement on rule-sets to get Gap countries to convert. We must continue to carefully and forcefully articulate a comprehensive vision of the future worth creating.

Over the past few decades I played an important role to society as I became a teacher at the local high school. I teach our future bright minds of America. I have taught now for over 15 years and I currently teach Algebra to tenth and eleventh grade students. My role may seem to some so little, but it is a major role. All people must attend school where a teacher must partake in the education of all great minds. Everyone, including the President of the United States and Joe that works at McDonald’s, has had a teacher at one time to help them through school. I have played an important role in many children’s lives and plan to continue teaching for some time.

While teaching, I have three children and an amazing husband. I have been an abiding citizen for all my life and fulfill my duties as I vote on every Election Day! As society changes, I adapt, but there are some things that just do not change. Some things such as: family time, Christmas dinners, school plays, and just having a good old time at a picnic. Society may change in major ways, but sometimes, the greatest things never change.

This is how I envision the society to be in the year 2040. I hope that in some aspects it is very true, as for the conflict resolution of America and that women are becoming more equal with men. However, we do not know what the future holds for us and God only knows what will happen in the next 30 years. I know some things may be put to a stretch, but this is how I envision the world by using other’s opinion of certain aspects and my opinion on other aspects. I know how the world is today and I do hope that some of these issues are worked out and fixed.

I hope that certain laws do not become so controversial that civil wars are started, such as abortion or gay marriage. We do not know what the future holds, but we can envision what is to come by what is happening today. This is exactly what I have done and you can draw your own conclusions from books, newspapers, or other research papers, but this is what I believe and feel will happen. I will wait for the year 2040 and we will see how close my visions were.

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